The main idea of the project is to reflect the diversity of the nationalities living in Estonia and point out the various problems or, on the contrary, the joys associated with relocation. With this project, I want to draw public attention to the fact that most often the desire to relocate isn’t simply a whim but a huge step in life associated with a number of difficulties. It’s difficult to take the decision, it’s difficult to overcome the period when everything is new and you do not know anything about the new place. The project is a call for loyalty, for helping each other and trying to understand each other better.

As part of my project, I personally communicated with people from different countries who are now living in Estonia. We discussed their personal relocation experience.
The meetings lasted from 1 to 3 hours on average. Each phrase written next to the portraits is a quote from the participant.​​​​​​​
People without a relocation experience often cannot understand what it is like to be a stranger in a new country with a completely different culture than the one you are used to. I believe that my project will at least help them take a closer look at this issue through the lens of someone else's experience. I hope this will increase the level of mutual understanding, which in turn will increase the level of tolerance.

At the moment, I myself am an expat and I’m trying very hard to adapt, I’m studying the history of the country where I live and its cultural features. I struggle sincerely to understand the historical background of certain cultural characteristics. This is a special kind of labor rarely talked about. And when in the course of your research, you sometimes come across an aggressive position or an absolute cold, incomprehensible look, it is no less frightening. At such moments, you might feel like a blind kitten who is sincerely trying to find the right way but keeps failing without knowing why.
Thank you for watching!


