If you haven’t read the comic “Project Nought” by Chelsey Furedi (@cheriiart) yet, you totally should! I really loved it a lot and I totally recommend it! The story and adventure is a lot of fun, and the characters are absolutely adorable!

I know it only came out recently, but I still wanted to draw some fan art for it! I love Ren and Mars so much lol.
Also, I’m super proud of the author and artist (Chelsey Furedi) because even though I don’t know her IRL, I’ve followed her art for years, starting right here on Tumblr back in the day! She made the webcomic Rock and Riot years ago (also one of my faves), and I’ve followed her work ever since! I remember being so excited when I heard she was publishing her first official comic book!

Her art and writing has improved so much!!! It’s really inspiring to me to see (in real time) an independent tumblr artist improve so much and get into publishing!

and yeah THE STORY ITSELF IS SO GOOD??? HELL YEAH!!! No spoilers from me here, but trust me IT’S GOOD

(Artwork shown © Allison Gajewski - 2023)
(Project Nought © Chelsey Furedi- 2023)

Ren and Mars!