Bess Young's profile

Drawing Ability

Drawing Ability 
I created this drawing in my Observational Drawing course. The assignment was to create a contour line drawing of a still life in class. I started by creating ten thumbnail sketches from different angles around the still life. 

I originally chose to draw this composition from two still lives because I thought that the composition would be successful. I created a few full scale rough sketches before starting the final. The emphasis of the flower and end of the watering pale create unity in the piece, and the different line weights I used bring the focal points of the piece forward. I focused on creating emphasis on the book, watering pale, and flower using heavy weighted lines. The contour lines also give the whole piece a sense of detail without the need for shading or other drawing techniques. I chose this piece for the drawing ability category because it best demonstrates my growing knowledge of different drawing techniques.
Process work
Drawing Ability

Drawing Ability


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