Anja Johansen's profile

Rachna's Story - A storytelling project

The brief: A personal immigration story
The task was to create an emotional and personal story about immigration for young people to get interested in immigration. The fictive client was The Migration Museum of Denmark. The story had to be told from a personal point of view either from ourselves, family, friends or something/someone very close to us. The central part of the story had to be experiences connected to moving and migration, both positive and negative. 
Motion Design result disclaimer: I was very Inexperienced with motion design and After Effects and short on time which is visible from the result :) I hope you will enjoy the story anyway
The story of a small town Indian girl
and her new life in Denmark
I chose to tell the story of my friend Rachna, that moved from India to Denmark in January 2012. It was a very difficult transition for her but today she is very happy to have her life in Denmark. I wanted to work with the visual and cultural contrast between India and Denmark in this story. 
Motion design & interactive scrollytelling
This aim of the project was to gain experience working with storytelling, visualisation, motion design & interactive scrollytelling. The first 3 weeks of the project was to create a motion design animation to tell the story.
The 3 weeks after was spent to translate the motion graphic into an interactive scrollytelling.  
Interactive scrollytelling prototype. Watch in full screen mode for a better experience. This was my first time using Figma and I quite enjoyed it. 
Visual style and development
Rachna character design
Storyboard for animation
Animatic vs. finished illustration
Storyboard for scrollytelling
Anja Johansen
DMJX – Interactive Design 2022
Rachna's Story - A storytelling project

Rachna's Story - A storytelling project
