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Hiking in the Himalayas

During winter, I journeyed to one of the most isolated corners of the Himalayas in India eager to undertake my very first trek and challenge the unforgiving winter climate head-on. Join me as I take you on a visual adventure, reliving the fascinating encounters, the heartwarming hospitality, the frozen landscapes and the indomitable spirit of adventure. I hope these artworks will transport you to the very heart of the Himalayas through my brushstrokes and storytelling. 

The journey began with a long, gruelling 12-hour drive, but the stunning vistas, and breathtaking natural beauty that unfolded along the winding mountain passes made every moment worthwhile. Our journey took us through numerous mountains, traversing small villages and towns, while ascending and descending steep inclines. As we continued on, the roads grew narrower and more treacherous until we were driving on nothing more than a carved mountain path. It was a harrowing experience, with sheer drops on either side of us and only enough space for a single vehicle to pass at a time. We had to navigate our way through hairpin turns and rocky outcroppings. Despite the length and challenges of the journey, the overall experience was entirely worthwhile and unforgettable.
The first day in the morning, As I slowly opened my eyes, I had just spent the first night in a tent on the three feet deep snow. Despite my excitement for the trek, the cold and the unfamiliarity of sleeping on the snow had made it impossible for me to get any sleep. The sound of the wind howling outside the tent had kept me awake, and I had spent most of the night shivering in my sleeping bag.

As the sun began to rise early in the morning, it illuminated the snow-covered landscape in a breathtaking way. The broken light that filtered through the trees created a beautiful, almost ethereal effect, making the snow look as though it was sparkling with diamonds.

One of the most remarkable things about watching the sunrise in the mountains is the fact that it happens earlier than anywhere else in the world. This means that I was among the very first people in the world to see the new day. It was a humbling experience, one that fills the heart with a sense of wonder and feeling as though we were witnessing something sacred. 
During the journey, I met a 60-year-old gentleman with a long beard on a chilly morning by the campfire. As we sat around the fire in the middle of the harsh winter landscape, with snow piled high around us, I couldn't help but wonder how he was able to endure such conditions. But he seemed unfazed, moving forward with a steady pace and a look of determination in his eyes.

As we sat there, he shared stories of his life experiences and adventures, including his tales of the Himalayas and his encounters with the local people continue to stay with me to this day. They serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of travel and the importance of living a life filled with adventure and exploration.

As he bid me farewell and ventured forth on his journey, I didn’t know it would stay with me forever. Even now, years later, I can still vividly recall the details of our conversation and the importance of opening oneself up to the world around us.
As we ascended the mountain, the air grew colder and the path grew steeper. As we approached the top, I could feel my heart racing with excitement. As I looked out at the 360-degree view of the snow-covered mountains, I was left in utter amazement. The vastness of the landscape was humbling, and it was as if I was on top of the world, but still firmly grounded on the mountain. The sensation of feeling so alive was overwhelming, and I was awestruck by the view that lay before me. I took in every detail, from the snow-covered peaks to the icy glaciers in the distance. 

Hours passed as I stood atop the mountain, and every moment felt like an eternity. It was as if I was suspended in time, and nothing else in the world mattered except for the beauty that surrounded me. It felt like I was on top of the world, and nothing could bring me down. As the sun began to set, we knew that our descent had to begin. However, the desire to stay there forever was too strong to resist. Finally, with a sense of satisfaction, we began our journey back down the mountain. I had conquered the mountain, and I knew that I would never forget this amazing experience.
On the last day of the adventure, we decided to visit the neighbouring village. After a few days of hiking and exploring the mountain, we were excited to see what the locals' daily life was like. The simplicity of their lives and the way they lived in harmony with nature were inspiring.

As we sat by the waters of the river, the soothing sounds of its flow serenaded us into a state of pure tranquility.

As the sun began to set, I realized that the adventure had come to an end. I felt a sense of sadness but also a deep sense of fulfilment. I had experienced something special, and I knew that I would carry these memories with me for the rest of my life.
Hiking in the Himalayas


Hiking in the Himalayas
