Buffler | Product Redesign

Ergonomic Product Redesign of Shoe Polish Brush

The redesigned ergonomic shoe brush handle has been specifically designed to help cobblers reduce pain and increase efficiency while using the brush. The handle features a contoured design that fits comfortably in the hand, reducing the strain on the wrist and hand muscles.


Cobblers face significant pain and discomfort in their hand and wrist after using traditional shoe brushes for extended periods of time. The pain is often caused by the handle's design, which puts excessive pressure on the fingers and leads to fatigue and discomfort. This pain can negatively impact the cobbler's productivity and overall quality of work.

Posture & Pain Points


Our handle design features a unique structure similar to that of a scrubbing brush, allowing for easy grip and control while polishing shoes. The handle's design stops at the palm of the hand, reducing pressure on the fingers and distributing it more evenly across the hand. This, combined with multiple grip positions, helps reduce fatigue and discomfort on the wrist, allowing cobblers to work for longer periods without pain.

Final Render

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Buffler | Product Redesign

Buffler | Product Redesign
