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Humanization of animals of the Chinese calendar

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸, 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼! 
Today I will tell you about how I participated in a creative and interesting action related    to the humanization of animals of the Chinese calendar.
As you know, the Chinese calendar uses animals as symbols for each year. That is why       an artist from China proposed to create a series of drawings where these animals will     be  depicted with human qualities - this is the humanization of the animals of the calendar.
The first animal -🐯 Tiger 🐅
---The distinctive qualities of the Tiger's character are impetuosity in decision-making, excellent reaction, and a love of risk.  Attractive in appearance, masks an iron will with soft courteous manners. A proud man who knows how to stand up for himself. Impulsiveness and unpredictability in actions makes life with a Tiger interesting, but does not bring peace.----
The second animal -🐵 Monkey 🐒
---It's easy to earn the Monkey's love and attention – it's enough just to flatter her. The monkey is very fond of affectionate words of admiration in his address and easily gets into the net. The monkey is an egoist to the core, she does everything only for herself, she is not interested in the troubles and misfortunes of the people around her. 😁---
The third animal -🐓 Cock  🐥
---The rooster is a very complex character, straightforward, capricious, self–ambitious person. He loves society very much and always plays to the public.
He came into this world to command, and his self-esteem is always overestimated, because he considers himself nothing but the commander of the Universe.----

The fourth animal -🐉 Dragon 🐲
---The dragon came to this world to win, he strives to become better, brighter in everything, even competing with himself. The dragon is very demanding and strict – both to himself and to other people, he will not tolerate falsehood, hypocrisy, impurity around him. The dragon is generous, he willingly shares with other people everything he has himself, and, obviously, fate rewards him with fame, respect and good fortune for this.----
The fifth animal -🐷 Piglet 🐖
---Pigs embody concern for the welfare of the family, the education of children. She strives for a comfortable life and embodies kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help representatives of this sign to succeed in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people.---
The sixth animal -🐺 Dog 🐶
---The Dog has a deeply philosophical approach to life, high and inflexible moral principles, a broad soul and a great concept of honor. A dog never lies, it always tells the truth and only the truth, even if it harms itself. In love, a Dog is a romantic, although she loves, rather than the person himself, but an ideal invented by herself. She will not be demanding of her partner, she will be content with little, and this propensity for self-sacrifice can become a personal drama of the Dog if the partner openly uses her.---
The seventh animal -🐂 Bull 🐮
---The bull is a bundle of strength and energy, he always carries such a load of worries and work that another zodiac sign cannot bear. The vital energy of the Bull allows him to be always in shape, he is able to endure all the problems and difficulties, coming out of them victorious. The bull always counts only on his work and strength, and never looks for easy or unrighteous ways in life.---
The eighth animal -🐰 Rabbit 🐇
---Rabbit embodies generosity and caring for others.  It is difficult to call him a coward - in extreme situations he is capable of heroism and bravery. The rabbit is dependent on the environment, the conditions of upbringing and birth, its success directly depends on the environment and the attitude of others. It is distinguished by sensuality, healthy natural instincts, high sexual temperament.---
The ninth animal -🐑 Sheep 🐏
---A sheep likes to pretend to be weak and defenseless, so that it is taken care of, protected, cared for, cherished like a delicate outlandish flower, and therefore the simulation of diseases in its behavior is not uncommon. She does not like freedom, she likes to be led through life, but on a loose leash so that she can sometimes frolic nearby.---
The tenth animal -🐍 Snake 🐍
---You should not be afraid of a snake, because it attacks the enemy only when he poses a significant danger to it, and in other cases it will try to escape from this road. Snake is a loner who rarely strives for a team or community, preferring to be alone – proud and independent of anyone. This person is very hardy, in terms of survival, the Snake should be given the first place among all the signs of the Zodiac, because she will always be able to find a way out even from tightly walled walls.---
The eleventh animal -🐴 Horse 🐎
---The horse is always very beautiful and graceful.  She does everything with her soul, and, whatever she touches, suddenly turns into perspective, into profit, beauty. She is very energetic, active, loves to frolic in the open. Stuffy rooms, the framework of the law or the rules are not for her, she loves freedom, and under the saddle she will quickly lose her charm, energy and charm. The horse is egocentric, she likes to be the center of attention and is happy to do everything so that others notice her.---
The twelfth animal -🐭 Rat 🐁
---The rat always follows only its own interests in everything. Before taking any steps, she carefully plans and thinks about them, assuming a workaround in case of unforeseen circumstances. The rat is very neat, she hates dirt and mess in her life. The Rat's plans are always grandiose, but they are not detached from the ground, but are based on its real achievements and capabilities. The rat is always confident in its abilities, it fearlessly goes forward and achieves its goal sooner or later.---
Participation in this project is an incredible and very interesting experience. I adhered to a single style, but kept the individuality of each sign. I thought over their image, clothes, hairstyle, posture, appearance features, paid attention to small details so that they conveyed the mood and character characteristic of these signs and animals.

Thank you for your attention! I wish you good luck in all your creative endeavors. See you soon!

Humanization of animals of the Chinese calendar

Humanization of animals of the Chinese calendar
