Amr Mohsen's profile

Magic Dishwasher Cleaner Logo & Packing

Project Overview
The Magic Dishwasher Cleaner logo and packaging project was a collaboration between myself and a client who was looking for a new branding identity for their product. The client wanted a logo that was both modern and playful, and they wanted the packaging to be eye-catching and informative.

Design Process
The design process began with a brainstorming session where I came up with a variety of concepts for the logo and packaging. Once I had a few concepts that I liked, I presented them to the client for feedback. After a few rounds of revisions, we settled on a final design that we were both happy with.

I am proud of the work that I did on the Magic Dishwasher Cleaner logo and packaging project. I believe that the final design is both effective and visually appealing. I am confident that this project will help the client to achieve their business goals.

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Magic Dishwasher Cleaner Logo & Packing


Magic Dishwasher Cleaner Logo & Packing
