Life in miniature
In this project, I will tap into my childhood imagination by using toys to create fantastical scenes and scenarios instead of using traditional human models. and they can be comical, horror-inspired, or even romantic as long as they follow a carefully planned concept and are kept PG. The scenes should be created using physical material as much as possible, with digital manipulation only used as an enhancing tool. The collection must consist of at least four photographs that follow the same concept chosen at the beginning of the project.
Story Narrative
A quiet village inhabited by a diverse array of creatures, living in perfect harmony with one another. The village is a place of peace and contentment and enjoying each other’s company. But as the day wears on, strange rumblings and vibrations begin to unsettle the peaceful atmosphere.They scramble only to be confronted with an unexpected catastrophe that leaves the village in ruins.
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes of the story
Final images
Scene 1
scene 2
scene 3
scene 4
scene 5
Image in sequence
Life in miniature


Life in miniature
