Mariam Chekurishvili's profile

Cosmo: Journey across the genres

I am a huge fan of drawing and I always wanted to create my own world with my own characters, the idea of creating Cosmo didn’t come up randomly, as a young kid I remember watching a lot of animations and reading fairytales, so I think an image of a powerful guardian girl who even when sleeping can protect the world has always lived in my subconsciousness.
When I grew up, As an art student, I've always been fascinated with different art genres. I often wondered how certain characters would look in different genres and eras. Imagine yourself in a Tim Burton movie, or imagine how you would appear as a character from a sci-fi or even Renaissance era. In recent years, the AI revolution has given us the opportunity to turn wishes that were once solely in the realm of imagination into reality.
In this project I will be using Midjourney and Kaiber AI, which are both tools that i have been using for a while now.
In this project, with the help of AI tools such as Midjourney and Kaiber AI, I will be taking Cosmo and transforming her into various characters from different eras. 
Midjourney Prompting
from left to right: Tim Burton, Disney, Pixar, Laika, South Park, Van Gogh​​​​​​​
Initially I fed midjourney with my original sample and applied simplified prompt, e.g. a red head girl sleeping while wearing a starry crown, in the style of Van Gogh , I understood that the complex prompts don’t always give the desired results, so I decided to keep it simple. The reason why I picked different styles to see if these tool could stay authentic to the art given, without changing the original picture too much. So far, I'm happy with how it's going.
Kaiber AI
The Kaiber App is a creative platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate videos and images based on user inputs. Since I am a huge fan of portraits, I pondered, "What if I choose completely different painters and mix their styles? Wouldn't that be interesting to see?" So, I picked Degas, Sargent, and Waterhouse, and with this impressive trio of painters, I created a slow-motion zoom-out video. This video perfectly represents all three of them and even echoes the portrait-writing styles of the early 16th to 17th centuries.​​​​​​​
Kaiber offers not only text-based prompting but also image-based options, which means you can upload a photo reference, apply your preferred styles, and generate a video. For this project, I used my original drawing of Cosmo and applied a hyper-realistic, high dynamic range style. This particular medium offers rich features like lifelike textures, 8K UHD, high color depth, and compatibility with Nikon D850, Kodak Portra 400, and Fujifilm XT. Although the result didn't provide an authentic representation, since I provided a drawing rather than a real-life photo reference, I was still highly satisfied with the outcome.
With this project, my once-impossible dreams as a young girl fascinated by different art genres and character designs become true. Cosmo: Journey across the Genres is my exploration, my experiment, and my way of trying new things, testing my skills, and celebrating the endless ways to be creative, all made easier with today's technology.​​​​​​​
Cosmo: Journey across the genres


Cosmo: Journey across the genres
