Project | 
Spot illustration for the magazine  “JAF Mate April” (2023)

Client | 
JAF Media Works (2023)
I was in charge of the illustration spread for the "JAF Eco Willow for Everyone" project in the newsletter.The designer asked me to draw in the atmosphere of my previous illustration for the April issue of Murakumo, so I drew a spring scene with cherry blossoms and a river as motifs.To fit in with the reading of the willow, we finished the work with an eye toward a leading line that allows the eye to flow from right to left.

Design | Miyahara Design
Thank you very much for seeing this project :)
JAF Mate April


Project Made For

JAF Mate April

I was in charge of the illustration spread for the "JAF Eco Willow for Everyone" project in the newsletter. The designer asked me to draw in the Read More
