Batrisyia Nazirah's profile

Greenova | Visibility for elderly nutrition

Refrigerator and hydroponic planter concept for personalised diet care for the elderly.
Re-Imagining Tomorrow: Taste, Care, and Wellbeing experiences for a Sustainable Future Project for Electrolux
The project is in context of 5 years into the future. Greenova creates the first step to a 10 year vision of the elderly's relationship with smart technology. The elderly having a positive relationship with smart technology creates a positive perception on them as an age group, which what my project aims to achieve.
Fridge Anatomy
Hydroponic Planter
Growing plants instead of soil, the hydroponic system circulates water from the water reservoir to throughout the planter via a water pump. The planter is integrated into the fridge to allow customisation like temperature control and the integration creates access and visibility to encourage the elder to use the planter to grow vegetables/herbs. The vertical layout allows plenty of room of the plants to grow and get sufficient, even lighting. 

It comes equipped with camera vision to help the elder with gardening tips, or act as a pair of eyes when consult regarding the plants' health is needed.
Chill Zones
Close up of freezer and crisper compartments.
Placement of the hydroponic planter in the first and second iteration are not ideal. The first iteration hydroponic planter placement limits the growth of the plants, and the overall layout allows for a small screen for the fridge's UI. Grow lights are needed to ensure optimal growth however the horizontal placement in the first and second iteration will need for the lights to be adjusted in height while the plant is growing. The vertical layout allows even lighting, space and proper division between fridge space, hydroponic planter, freezer, and crisper compartment.
User Interface
Designed for the elderly, the layout is concise and comprehendible by using primarily headers and images. Though this might create longer user journeys, it displays limited information one at a time, which is less intimidating for a target group that some may not be used to using digital displays. The increased text and image size also caters for the elderly who may start having vision difficulties due to old age.

The interface allows configuration of the fridge, enabling customised care for different elders with different needs. The analysing of fridge health will be based on said configuration, and it will help suggest foods that align with their dietary concerns and give insight to their current habits, which create visibility on their diet.
Greenova | Visibility for elderly nutrition

Greenova | Visibility for elderly nutrition
