I feel this one speaks for itself. This project asked me to make a bus design for T-Mobile, a the time their heavy advertisement was the woman on the motorcycle, so i used that to make a simple, but eye catching ad for a bus.
This bus requested I design an ad for a fall festival. My diea behind it was to use the red and orange leaves. This festival takes place at the Detroit Zoo, so since there was no type stating that for the ad, I had to use other means, i.e. the bear claws.
This bus was a simple design in that needed to have an ad for a particular movie, in this case, Monster's University. This was a simple project to make in that it was a movie about a school, so by making it look like the two characters were going to school, I was able to successfully capture the eyes of passerbys.
This ad for Caribou Coffee was certainly the challenge of these four, even now I don't feel it is conveyed properly, and I may have to return to it in the future. My plan here was for the ad to be sticky notes on a fridge, while I did do just that, I feel as though it was lost in the translation. 
Airport Bus


Airport Bus

A project from a few semesters back where i was tasked with designing bus advertisement for 4 different companies.
