Atheer Alkhashram's profileDina Al-Ghamdi's profile


Concept of the game:
Bridezilla: From "bride" + "Godzilla". It describes a greedy rude an an aggressive bride. 
Strategy of the game:
The game board we created is for 4 or 2 players. One of the players will have to choose 1 card from each category as divided in the package, which will play the rule of the lost groom the players have to guess. After that, each player will get 4 card after mixing all the cards together, and then will place them in front of herself after looking at them once. The game starts where one player will throw two dices, one to indicate the number of steps she will take, the other is for to decide which action she will do. The actions are 6: 3 of them are to allow the player to see the card that she reached to according to the number of steps she got, 1 is to make the player see the opposite side of the card she reached to, 1 to reverse the action -the player will show her card to the other person-, and the last one where she will take the card she reaches to, so no one would be able to see the card later but her. There will be 4 squares at the edge of the board game, one is for the player to start the game from, the other three are jinx moves. When the player reach them according to the dice's steps, her action would be to do no action (nap). And the game would proceed with the next player. 
How to win the game:
The method of winning the game is by collecting enough clues from all the players to guess what the remain character's traits are. When the player believes she has collected enough clues, she will rise her hand and shout ”Got him", then she will announce the traits she believes the lost groom has, if it's correct, then she wins as the crazy bride of the game and will marry the person she found, if her assumption was wrong, then her punishment would be to show the other players her cards, and the game will continue till the next bride finds her groom
Cluedo: This game has inspired us to create the strategy of our game, of looking for a certain person by collecting clues.
Pictionary: As for this game, it helped us to built the instruction of the board game, as well as the elements: the cards, the two dices and moving forward to the game
Guess who: This game inspired us to make the clues of our game as different characteristics of the lost groom rather than as tools to look for the criminal like how Cluedo works.