ZORD is a quarterly lifestyle magazine based on editorials, news, fashion, music and art. Inspired by the future represented in 2020 in the film Bladerunner.
The name of this magazine comes from a magazine seen in the film and the main concept of the theme is: MEMORIES .
The first perspective shown in the 2019's Los Angeles in Bladerunner is the particularly degraded environment . In fact, as the film reveals , acid rain is permanent due to contamination . Moreover, there is an absence of vegetation and this prevents animal life. This was crucial for our art direction. We wanted to remind readers what we had before destroying our world.
Our proposal was to design a fusion between the paper and technology , incorporating new digital technologies with the use of augmented reality .
The magazine also includes a supplement dedicated to Alexander McQueen as the fictional tenth anniversary of his death with pictures of his show and sketches .
This is a project in collaboration with : Shir Zalzberg , Giovanna de Ávila and Nadeia Avellana.
Zord - Magazine

Zord - Magazine

ZORD is a quarterly lifestyle magazine circulation composed editorials, news, fashion, music and art. Inspired by the film that embodies the futu Read More
