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How Passwordless Login Delights their Customers?

Frictionless Security: How Passwordless Login Delights Customers and Protects Your Business

Imagine a world where you no longer have to rack your brain to recall which password belongs to which account. A world where the frustration of reusing passwords due to their complexity and difficulty in memorization disappears. 

Welcome to the realm of passwordless login, a revolutionary approach to authentication that takes the burden off your customers and enhances their overall experience. By adopting passwordless authentication, you can empower your users to effortlessly access their accounts without compromising on the robust security measures necessary to protect sensitive information.
What is Passwordless Login?

With passwordless login, the traditional challenges of password-based authentication become a thing of the past. Users no longer need to struggle with creating strong, memorable passwords for each account. Instead, they can enjoy the simplicity and convenience of passwordless authentication. By leveraging possession factors like email links or SMS-based OTPs, users can effortlessly verify their identities and gain access to their accounts, enhancing both security and the overall user experience.

How is Passwordless Login Useful for Business?

Passwords are the primary target for malicious actors and are responsible for a significant percentage of data breaches and cyberattacks. Attack techniques like corporate account takeover, credentials stuffing, and brute force attacks rely heavily on exploiting weak passwords. By adopting passwordless login, businesses can minimize the risks associated with password-related attacks, as there are no passwords to compromise. This proactive security measure helps safeguard sensitive data and protects both the business and its customers from potential harm.

Passwordless Login with Text Message (SMS)

The process of passwordless login begins by prompting the consumer to enter their phone number, ensuring a reliable and accessible means of communication. This phone number serves as a unique identifier for the consumer during the authentication process.
Passwordless Login with Email

In the process of passwordless login, the consumer is prompted to provide their email address, which serves as a primary means of communication for authentication purposes. This ensures a reliable and familiar method for user verification.

Passwordless Login with Magic Links

One effective method of implementing passwordless login is through the use of email-based magic links. Upon requesting to log in, the user is sent an email containing a unique link. This link serves as an instant login option, eliminating the need for usernames, passwords, or one-time passcodes.


The ease and simplicity of Passwordless Login also play a crucial role in encouraging impulse purchases. When the authentication process is effortless and hassle-free, consumers are more likely to make quick and spontaneous buying decisions. Removing the barriers of complicated passwords and lengthy login procedures enhances the overall user experience and drives conversions.
How Passwordless Login Delights their Customers?

How Passwordless Login Delights their Customers?


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