LifeLight is an energy efficient desk lamp with embedded balancing system of natural and artificial light. It is a lighting being with a cyclic behaviour based on warm and cold LEDs, that helps giving you back the feeling of time in relation to light, which is often lost using artificial lighting. The cyclic gradual alternation of warm and cold light contributes to give rhythm to your activities, while its two different modes (working at your PC or reading and writing) guarantee the right amount of light for each of them.
The product benefits refer both to the energy saving through an autonomous and intelligent methodology, and to aspects of personal care such as, for example, comfort, better working conditions and mind stimulation. Moreover, task adaptability and the correct illumination level characterize the attention of the project to the user habits and needs.


Energy efficient desk lamp. LifeLight has been developed during the last year of the MSc in Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Tech Read More
