Allorah Franks
Photo 1
    My concentration focuses on pinks and purples. I chose this concentration because pink and purple colors work really well together and it just flows really well. Also pink is my favorite colors and purple is my sisters so it has meaning to me. Pink and purple are also very girly colors and I knew I could make some good images out of them.
   My philosophy changes throughout my editing. Sometimes when im shooting i will miss something i could've takne out when i took the picture so i would fix it during editing. Some of my pictures i decided to really capture the pink and purple colors and really make them pop, so i would enhance the colors. i also do a lot of reajusting the background because soemtimes the lines are cricked and it just looks weird. So i always just play around with the settings until i get something pleasing to the eye.
   My imaes convey that im very passionate with my theme. i really emjoy making sure that my pictures all fit together and tell some sort of a story. My images also give off a very girly vibe which i personally think look really good and goes really well with the pink and purple theme. Pink and purple are just overalll good colors to work with because no matter the shade they just fit together. 
Pink and Purple

Pink and Purple
