
One smart doctor's idea can be the origin of a great medical device.  GI Supply had lots of smart ideas. Founded by a gastroenterologist, the company had access to the best talent i the field.  GI Supply already enjoyed a successful business in medical garments re-selling the disposable clothing worn by patients and professionals.  However, the business wanted to expand into durable medical devices.  What they lacked was a partner ot help them turn ideas in devices.

BOLTGROUP took GI Supply's initial ideas and configured each product to meet the needs of the doctors, nurses, and patients who purchase and use the product.  First we observed during the medical procedures. Then we analyzed the tasks and sequences of the procedure to gain a deep understanding of the complex human factors involved.  This research was conducted in a wide range of hospitals from John Hopkins, Baltimore, to the University of Texas, Galveston.  Our team also provided industrial design, engineering, and prototypes for clinical trials, documentation for FDA submissions, branding, packaging, and trade show exhibit design.

The products created through our partnership doubled GI Supply's revenue and wont the most prestigious international design awards, including the Gold IDEA Award fro IDSA and the Medical Design Excellence Gold Award.  This is how GI Supply achieved world-class design and innovation without the burden of a large in-house staff.
"BOLTGROUP is a trusted partner...their work has created valuable, strategic products and brands that allow us to compete successfully with competitors of larger size and greater resources."

-Frank Carter, President, GI Supply

What We Did

Brand Strategy // Brand Architecture // Brand Naming // Brand Design + Communications // Visual Identity System // Experience Design // Color Palettes // Packaging // Merchandising // Video Production // Promotional Design // Direct Mail // Trade Show // Advertising // Art Direction // Brand Guidelines // Visual Brand Language // Product Design // Brand Coaching + Training // Brand Stewardship // Brand Production // Fabrication Coordination + Fulfillment 
GI Supply Branding

GI Supply Branding
