Falling Skies

     After spending a couple of months of my spare time 3D modeling the SR-72 Darkstar from Top Gun: Maverick, i decided i need to spend another couple of months making use of it
    The artwork was inspired by the take off sequence of the scramjet in the film, but obviously i spiced it up quite a bit. I was not aiming for 100% realism, i just wanted to express myself artistically, since most of my modeling projects do not allow for that. The scene is 70-75% modeled by me, but i have also used a couple of free 3D assets from Sketchfab, Kitbash, and Quixel rocks/plants. The terrain i made with the help of World Creator (the whole scene is ~80 km2). I also had A LOT of fun with Embergen, simulating the engine exhaust, dust, and auroras. As you can see in the timelapse, i had a ton of different variations for the engine exhaust, untill i finally managed to get the exact look i was going for. I knew from the start i wanted vibrant green auroras in the sky, but struggled to find the right look. You can see in the timelapse i had some self-made procedural cards which just did not look right. Thankfully at some point i was like... "Wait a minute, i have Embergen! Why dont i sim the auroras too!" And that pretty much finalized the artwork. The final render has no post processing of any kind, its straight out of Octane.
    I also rendered several shots inspired by the movie, and put that short sequence together as bonus content for my youtube. 

Falling Skies


Falling Skies
