Ruyi Wong's profile

"MOCO - The Bungersome" - 3D Poster #3

"The Bungersome - MOCO!"
3D Posters making #1
My third 3D poster is to promote the character that I rigged - "MOCO". 
I wanted to do like an animation trailer poster and show the characteristic of MOCO by making it in a falling posture. 
Rough sketch
First, I adjust MOCO in a falling posture in MAYA, and added few lightings that matches with my background image (a neon city). After rendering, bring it in Photoshop for further adjustments.
Here's a copyright-free neon city background that I found online.
Then combine the background with character. I did a lot of color adjustment in this stage, search tutorials on YouTube on how to make character's color setting same with the background photo.
I also created the rain effects in Photoshop and added tittles.
Finally, it's done!
"MOCO - The Bungersome" - 3D Poster #3


"MOCO - The Bungersome" - 3D Poster #3
