There has been this picture in my head for a few years now. I imagined myself sitting in a jail cell, yet I'm not bound. There are no chains, no fetters, no yokes. The door to the jail cell is open. There's nothing stopping me from leaving. So why haven't I left yet? For years I was so accustomed to being stuck in a spiritual prison of hurt and anxiety that I just stayed there. Long past the time I should have left. God had released me, SET ME FREE, and yet my mind was still bound. Still stuck. But things have changed recently. I started healing, and God showed me that where I was, was where I no longer needed to stay. Prison Break!

"I had become conditioned to the bondage of anxiety, that I never realized that God had already come into the jail cell where I was and undid the yoke, broke the chains, opened the door and declared my freedom...He stood there at the edge of my bondage and said, “Take my hand, you’re free to go now. It's your time to come out now”. 
Prison Break

Prison Break
