İlayda Begüm İzci's profile

Disruption: Exploring the Intersection of Art and AI

Can Artificial Intelligence sculpt?
Project Overview
As part of the "Disruption" project, my partner-in-crime Melisa Altınsoy and I together with the artistic duo ha:ar embarked on a journey to merge art and technology. 
Artistic Concept
Our goal was to create a sculpture performance that challenges traditional artistic practices and embraces the potential of artificial intelligence.
Inspired by the belief that creation begins with disruption, we employed an algorithmic approach to bring our vision to life. Through the utilization of a AI to create new sculptures and a complex CNC robot, we transformed the entire sculpture creation process into a mesmerizing technology-driven performance, visible to all exhibition attendees.
Significance and Impact
"Disruption" serves as an invitation to think about the evolving role of artificial intelligence in the creative process. By showcasing the technology-driven creative process and openly sharing the complexities behind it, we aim to ignite conversations about the potential of AI as a "Creative Collaborator" and its impact on the future of art and industry.
Through this transformative journey , we challenged boundaries ,and explored the limitless possibilities where art and technology converge.
Technical Details
Our journey into the realm of AI involved training a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) using the StyleGAN-2-Ada algorithm. With a dataset of over 5,000 sculpture images from various sources, we tapped into the AI's creative capabilities to generate a series of captivating sculpture ideas.
For the physical embodiment of our AI-driven vision, marble material imported from Afyon is used.
Credits and Collaboration
The "Disruption" project is the result of a collaborative effort between artists, engineers and the support of the artistic community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to ha:ar for their collaboration and shared artistic vision. Additionally, we express our appreciation to Contemporary Istanbul for providing a platform to showcase the work on 17 September 2022. In creating the dataset, we drew upon various resources, including the MET's sculpture collection, the Wikiart collection, and other reputable online repositories. It is through these collaborative endeavors and the synergy of diverse inspirations that "Disruption" comes to life.
Disruption: Exploring the Intersection of Art and AI