3D Logo Designs
I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a project in collaboration with Open Reply, a leading technology company. This project involved creating captivating logo animations that were featured on a holofan (see bellow). Working with Autodesk Maya, I crafted the 3D logos from .SVG files. To enhance the visual experience, we utilized the holofan's software which runs on Unity to incorporate mesmerizing particle effects, adding an extra layer of depth and immersion. Our hard work and dedication paid off when the animations were showcased at prominent events such as the AI Summit London and the Reply Xchange. It was an exhilarating experience to witness our creations on display, captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression.
To further enhance my expertise in 3D logo design, I recreated the NASA logo in 3D.
3D Logo Designs


3D Logo Designs
