Frozen Forrest
just a pretty cold day in february 2011
In february I was visiting a beautiful location in South East Germany (Oybin) for some movie project I was involved in as 2nd unit director. Most of the tour had nothing to do with the work I was about to do, so I took some time off and did the following photos.
It was freezing cold and after about 30sec I was barely able to push the button for taking the picture. All the photos were done in a rush and I always had to keep the other people out of the frame. Anyway I hope you like the journey to a very surreal cold world.
All photos were done with the Canon 5D Mark II and the 28-70mm lens. And to my surprise the camera had absoluty no problems with the I dunno -20°C or something.
Frozen Forrest

Frozen Forrest

Just a few photos I shot on a location scouting trip.
