In this project we designed 10 ads of an advertiser of our choice, we chose Snapchat because we thought we could do an entertaining and interesting ads because this App has become very popular and fun to use. Our creative approach was to spread the joy by using Snapchat, we wanted to convince consumers that Snapchat is the most favored App to share their moments with their friends and family. We came up with this idea after a personal experience, I personally am obsessed with Snapchat, I really feel happy while Snapchatting and I enjoy sharing my moments with others. In this project, I did the creative brief, body copy, non-traditional ad, one video and collaborated with Maryam in the video commercial by asking people and helped in positioning the camera.

I learned how to think outside the box, especially when doing the non-traditional ad, I wanted to do something very rare yet special. The idea was to make people look up and the camera would detect their smile and a photograph would slide and the people would be able to take it. In this way, we are promoting Snapchat and we have drawn a smile on people’s faces. Also, in the video of the selfies, I wanted to emphasize the fact that we can take a selfie anywhere and at any time, it was really a very difficult task because I had to keep hold of the camera and try not to shake it. After that the editing part was also challenging, because I had to be sure that each scene is not more than half a second, because people might get bored.
Outdoor Poster
Magazine Ad 1
Magazine Ad 2
Non-traditional Ad (open elevator)
Non-traditional Ad (Closed elevator)
Twitter Ad 1
Twitter Ad 2
Snapchat Project

Snapchat Project

Snapchat Advertisements.
