Your World, Your CIETY


CIETY is a new social platform that brings together diverse communities from those sharing daily life to gaming enthusiasts and creators. It empowers individuals to create their desired world based on community. 

In the era of Web3, CIETY envisions a future where creators and communities take the lead. It strives to be a brand that offers innovative features and values not found in existing online communities or social platforms.

Your World,

Material abundance has brought diversity to our lives, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it has also led people to loneliness, with the places where people used to connect and share their passions disappearing or becoming scattered. CIETY recognizes the importance of immersion, human relationships, and the meaning behind these actions in the upcoming future. 

We hope that our customers can create their own world on CIETY, engage in conversations with like-minded members, foster creativity, share mutual benefits, and contribute to the growth of the community.

Open, Creative, Hopeful and Reliable 

We hope customers relate to CIETY and rely on what we do. We believe that maintaining an open, creative, hopeful, and trustworthy brand value consistently can convey our identity.

Our Ambition 

As we transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, we believe that the values of human relationships, shared goals, and desire for a hopeful world remain unchanged. We aimed to develop an intuitive brand name that reveals the business category and characteristics to increase consumer awareness of the brand at the initial point of contact. The brand name 'CIETY,' derived from 'Society,' means another society where various 'worlds of yours' coexist, namely, 'community.' CIETY represents organic connections and interactions with the belonging community, and embodies the ambition of a brand that grows and develops together with individuals and communities.

Our Icon 

CIETY is a brand that values the diverse creative outcomes within our community. We have designed a unique icon for CIETY by combining a speech balloon, representing 'various communication' at the core of our community, with our initials 'C' to symbolize our commitment to decentralization.

Bright Future Green and Dynamic Color 

CIETY is forming a simple and vibrant brand image with Bright Future Green and black as the main colors. Secondary colors are used to represent the diverse personalities of CIETY's users and the dynamic energy derived from their communication. Each color is used in different areas according to detailed usage guidelines, expressing CIETY's unique value in pursuing diverse communication and creativity.

Confidence and Simple Typography 

We have expanded our icons to develop a unique typeface called CIETY Variable. CIETY Variable is inspired by the 'speech balloon’ and features a font with emphasized curves and wide spacing, allowing it to serve as a headline font in brand communication and create a distinctive and confident brand image. In addition, we have utilized the functional and multilingual-supporting Pretendard font that excludes decorative elements to allow greater focus on the product's functionality and content.

CIETY Friends 

We are a brand that values diversity and individuality of the community. To enhance the community experience, we have developed 20 categories and corresponding characters that represent each category. These CIETY characters serve as visual elements that help users understand the product's functions and contribute to our brand's unique identity.

Intuitive and Clear Icons 

We designed CIETY's unique icon with the harmonious blend of lines and curves. Our icon has a simple and intuitive design to help our users experience our product more easily and clearly.

All-in-one Social Platform 

CIETY goes beyond a simple social platform and proposes a new ecosystem for communities and creators, promoting meaningful organic relationships among community members. Through Giftok, CIETY offers its members a unique experience by allowing them to exchange tokens or real-world goods. Additionally, CIETY provides a Marketplace and a Merch Store for communities to trade both NFTs and physical products. Communities can also create exclusive spaces by utilizing token gating features, allowing only specific token holders to access or enjoy content.

Posting & Live Chat 
— Full of Interesting Topics and Talks 

Users can freely share various materials such as text, photo images, videos, links, and NFTs in real-time with the community members they want to engage with on CIETY. Additionally, they can utilize blockchain technology to post and prove ownership of their NFTs. Users can react to posts using emojis, engage in real-time chats, and communicate with other interested members. CIETY aims to be a platform for new communities and is designed to provide a consistent user experience that is easy to understand and use without the need for any additional learning.

Live Streaming 
— Feel alive with your friends! 

Users on CIETY can utilize the live streaming feature to create special stages for their community or as individual creators. They can share their direction, personality, and passion in real-time, directly interacting with community members. This series of experiences helps creators build their unique brand, which can accelerate the growth of the community. Live streaming fosters a close connection and natural interaction between creators and community members.

— This is my heart for you 

We have developed our unique feature called 'Giftok' as a way to contribute to the growth of creators or communities. 'Giftok' combines the words 'Gift,' representing presents, and 'Talk,' which expresses gratitude. Community members can exchange their digital assets such as NFTs, tokens, or physical goods with other members, enhancing intimacy and strengthening the bonds within the community. 

Giftok can serve as a means to reward highly active or contributory members within the community. It provides a way to acknowledge and compensate members who have made significant contributions or demonstrated high levels of engagement. When a member receives Giftok, they can experience the joy and sense of achievement knowing that their activities have had a positive impact on other community members. This unique user experience can create a new culture within the community, where members are driven to produce high-quality content. It has the potential to cultivate a fresh culture of content generation, fostering a natural talk economy and an ideal community culture.

— Beyond being a mere exchange platform 

NFT marketplaces, in general, refer to places where transactions occur primarily based on the prices of digital assets. However, users are now seeking beyond such one-dimensional experiences and desiring direct interaction with the creators or communities behind the artworks, and a desire to participate in their own unique spaces. 

We provide our own NFT marketplace within CIETY, enabling community members to explore, communicate, transact, and ensure that the tokens earned through community activities lead to new transactions within the community. When transactions occur within the community, the community can earn fees, and it also has the capability to reward members who contribute to the growth of the community. In other words, it is a structure where community members can mutually benefit from each other economically, with the community at the center. 

We believe that through the NFT marketplace, we can offer the community more than just a conventional exchange platform. We envision providing the community with essential elements beyond what a typical marketplace provides, fostering a sustainable ecosystem of reciprocity that aligns with the community's expected value. We plan to expand in a direction that enables a positive feedback loop, resonating with the community's expectations.

Merch Store 
— Community, become a brand 

Creating their own brand products can be extremely challenging for communities or creators, as it involves significant upfront costs and barriers to entry, such as planning, designing, producing, and shipping the products. 

CIETY is a brand that removes all barriers, ensuring that the community becomes the brand itself. We support a revolutionary concept called the Merch Store, where the community can create unique products without any additional costs, and with each sale, the community earns revenue. With CIETY, anyone can easily create products without inventory burdens using over 2,000 types of print-on-demand (POD) methods, and we handle global shipping. As long as the community holds copyrights or trademarks for NFTs, artworks, characters, logos, photos, or any content, even a single product can be produced and operated in a brand store without any inventory concerns.


CIETY's key visual elements, such as color, font, icon, and illustration, convey the diversity, friendliness, and trustworthy brand image of CIETY as a platform that thinks about the community and creators from various angles. The brand identity system of CIETY is consistently applied with design principles, and it is meticulously designed to ensure usability while effectively expressing the brand image at various brand touchpoints. By applying these brand visual elements in all online/offline touchpoints, CIETY creates an organic connection between the brand and products and delivers a consistent brand experience.

We look forward to the growth of both the community and creators along with CIETY. We will infuse energy into the community and grow together by sharing profits. If you have a passion for something and want to connect with diverse people who share the same interests as you, create your own world on CIETY today!

Your World, Your CIETY

Creative Direction
Hyeyun Park, Indong Yoo, Tyodi Hyojin Lee

Business Development / Brand Strategy
Cion Woosung Kim, Yujin Jo

Product / BX Design
Jaehyung Lee, Hana Na, Seunghee Song

Hyunwoo Cho, Youngju Kim, Geonho Lee, Dohyung Lee, Changhee Lee, Yeseo Lee, Jamin Kim, Kyunghoon Bae, Yonggu Cho, June Choi, Sungwoo Shin, Youngjae Ryu

Your World, Your CIETY