My submission for Urban Outfitter's feature in their 13th issue of SHEET, a free, in-store zine.
The theme was all around 'CHANCE.' On their website, they say to "think about when you took a risk and it paid off, a memorable experience or a time when life brought you serendipity," for any who wanted to submit something to start experimenting with ideas. I, however, took 'CHANCE' in a different direction. Instead of showing examples of when I've taken risks or similar, I instead wanted to make a powerful statement, asking people to think about what would happen if they don't take a chance.
This piece is less about explaining a chance, an instead telling people to take their own.

Without taking chances or risks, life becomes boring and uneventful. This is the message I want to portray to those who see this.

Even if I'm not one of the chosen submissions, I'm still glad I got the opportunity to join in with this, and I'm glad I even found this in the first place.

Submissions are open until July 14th, visit their website for all the necessary information.


