Enigmatic Dream realities.

Dreams of a common man may include good dreams, bad dreams, abstract dreams etc. Common man dreams big I dont think its true where there are so many kind of people those who dream other than luxury. In the Etheral landscapes of slumber one may encounter the intricate interplay of responsibilities financial burdens or else delicate relationships so here is the tale of Suman a diligent and hardworking soul who traverses the bustling streets and trains peddling delicate gajras with unwavering dedications. Her days are full of obligations that extend far beyond herself in the Etheral tapestry of her dreams.
Suman's imagination takes flight and fantasizes a cherished lover who exists in her unconscious mind as she sees some boy giving flowers to a girl when she was selling gajras on the street. She imagines that the cherished lover is giving her a bunch of delicate flowers in her hand .But alas the nature of dreams cannot withstand the abrupt intrusion of reality. As the train takes a halt Suman comes to realization that it was just an illusion woven by the surroundings. It is here that the profound tapestry of our aspirations and daily struggles interwine , forming a mosaic of the human experience.
Atlast,dreams of people are delusional they dream about their needs their emotions ,we can't control our dreams .Dreams are an imaginative place where people fulfill their wishes ,and dreams can be very realistic some times.




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