Amukelani Shiringani's profile

ILL 301.1 - Editorial (Redo)

ILL 301.1 Editorial
Hyper Reality

Project Brief

Tasked to conceptualise, research and write an article for any magazine, this project culminates in a holistic designed product by means of a typographical cover and double-page spread. Highlighting themes of typography and layout, this editorial design project is powerful in concept and craft foregrounding a frameable, memorable issue that will live on in the archives.

1. Compilation of process work
2. Cover (digital)
3. Double-page spread (digital)
5. Vertical narrative

Design Strategy

The design strategy for the HyperReality project centres on visually exploring the intricate relationship between technology, reality, and representation. It seeks to convey how modern technologies, particularly social media, blur the lines between reality and virtuality, emphasising the need for a balanced approach to technology use. 

The strategic use of italicised text underscores key aspects of the concept, while the deliberate choice of "Reel" over "Real" draws inspiration from Instagram, aligning with the article's theme. The visual design incorporates dynamic elements reflecting the rapid pace of technology, and a carefully curated colour palette symbolises the fusion of digital and tangible realms.


Significant enhancements were implemented in the vertical narrative, notably refining the section flow compared to its initial iteration. Key editorial moments are effectively highlighted through the use of helpful illustrations, colour, and typography, creating a cohesive and visually appealing connection between the vertical narrative and the design of the cover and double-page spread.

Draft Versions of Cover

Draft Versions of Double Page Spread

Visual Strategy

Vertical Narrative (Redo)

ILL 301.1 - Editorial (Redo)

ILL 301.1 - Editorial (Redo)
