Space Studies
professor pia sarpaneva

Assignment: todesign a pavilion-inspired home along a water's edge.
Inspiration: spatial studies of 6 intersecting cubic units to create distinct spaces.
Project: Through the useof three distinct horizontal, zones linked by a path of movement, this design presents asense of slowness and calm which separates it from the rest of the world. The first zone is the approach to the house along a 96' ramp into the ground. The second zone gives the project a central purpose by containing the public part of the house in a series of linear forms connected by an axial path along the water. The third space is private and therefore turns from the axial path along the water's edge. Although the path continues, the orientation and illumination changes to signify the transition from public to private. 
This cross section shows three areas: the enclosed entry ramp, the open living area, and the concealed water's edge. Drafted by hand.
This site plan identifies the program and form of the design. Drafted by hand. 
A schematic view of the eating area of the design. Rendered with lead pencil.
A schematic view of the covered and uncovered living areas of the design. Rendered with lead pencil.
A schematic view of the illumination in the private area of the design. Rendered with lead pencil.
 1/8" model of the 6 interlocking cubic design that inspired the finished project.
Edge House

Edge House

Final project assigned for the Architectural Studio II course.
