Appreciate fish from Poland - commercial

Appreciate fish from Poland / Doceń ryby z Polski
animation TV ad
Wolińskie Stowarzyszenie Rybaków

In the latest TV campaign for "Wolin z rybą na talerzu", we focus on specific species of Polish fish and invite you to discover, taste and appreciate them. This project is not focused on sales, but on raising awareness about the fish that used to reign on Polish tables.

We have created a standout animation that captures the spirit of the whole campaign. We designed artistic illustrations that catch the eye and are memorable, and the dynamic and smooth transitions between scenes create the impression of immersion in water. 

The whole thing is maintained in colors and forms that are consistent with the visual identification of this year's campaign. As a result, our production not only evokes emotions and curiosity but also is memorable and invites the viewer to immerse themselves in the underwater world of Polish fish.

We invite you to watch and... let's appreciate Polish fish together.

For Event
Concept and script:
Anna Zdanowicz
Jerzy Zelnik
Karol Dynysiuk
Przemysław Białasz, Karol Dynysiuk
Sonic Alchemy

Appreciate fish from Poland - commercial

Appreciate fish from Poland - commercial

An animated TV advertisement encouraging the exploration and tasting of Polish fish species.
