How to reduce noise-related discomfort ?
Ipno is a product that allows you to find sleep in a noisy environment.

The loudspeaker broadcasts white noise: a sound that includes all sound frequencies and looks like a blast. This sound heard when lying down, has hypnotic properties that are beneficial to the quality of sleep: it allows the brain to disconnect external noise, while soothing the heart rate, brain activity and helps to think nothing .
At the same time the microphones at the back capture the surrounding noise.
Digital Signal Processor combines the signal received by the microphones with the white noise to cancel the environmental sounds: the DSP’s ability to select which sounds are harmful (all except white noise), reverse the frequency and pass it to the membrane of the loudspeaker. Both frequency, noise and inverse frequency noise, are in antiphase. The results in not a complete cancellation of sound but a significant reduction of the volume.



The loudspeaker broadcasts white noise: a sound that includes all sound frequencies and looks like a blast. This sound heard when lying down, has Read More
