António Completo's profile

Feira do Autor, 2023

1. Me after drawing the portrait of Teresa.

After the portraits I drew for my drawing class, I saw the opportunity to participate in a small fair in our university. This fair was called "Feira do Autor", which was organised by NED, a group of design students. In that fair me and others could show, as artists and designers, what are we able to do or our own businesses to a bigger audience.

2. / 3. / 4. / 5. The fair took place in the avenue of the Aveiro University.

This way I decided to continue drawing fast people in the moment. This was a huge success, and I made over 18 portraits in 2 days. Even so, as I brought to showcase some of my own drawings, people were then interested in ordering me drawings. It was a great way not only to exercise myself, but to put myself out there for other people to know my work.
You can check these and other drawings on my drawings instagram page:

6. - 23. All of the fast portraits I made during the 2 days of the fair.

24. / 25. / 26. These were some of the orders I made after the 2 days of the fair.

Feira do Autor, 2023, Núcleo de Estudantes de Design da Universidade de Aveiro (NED), Universidade de Aveiro

Feira do Autor, 2023

Feira do Autor, 2023
