Colors impart texture and richness to the environment. When we see yellow, we immediately think of imagery related to vitality, spring, and optimism. The bright color can indicate warmth and other spiritual and symbolic meanings too, such as enlightenment—or caution.


Yellow is a luminous color that attracts light, exuberance, and freshness. We can't help but be drawn in by its perky cheeriness. As world history and Western symbology expert Michael Pastoureau noted in his book Yellow: The History of a Color, yellow shares a similar likeness to gold and honey, which epitomized pleasure and abundance in ancient cultures and religions. It also signified opulence since royals would wear it in their clothing.
since royals would wear it in their clothing.

According to Nina Ashby, psychic and author of Simply Color Therapy, the color yellow is symbolized by the sun and represents joy, light, and mental positivity. Spiritually, the color yellow is also embodied by the solar plexus chakra—the seat of power and will. Ashby points out yellow is associated with the mind and the logical, left side of the brain that organizes information.
"When you think about yellow in the spiritual sense, yellow's grounded in the spiritual world and less about whimsy," aura reader and stylist Susanna Merrick tells mindbodygreen. "It's all about self-confidence, communication, and how you see yourself," she says, adding that

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