Katelynn Wentzel's profile

Photo Photography and Stop Motion

In-class Exercise
Photo Photography
For this project we were tasked to take high quality photographs of a product of our choice, in which we should create a scene with said product.

Photo outcomes
This photograph was created using a black back round and a blue tablecloth. The lighting was created by LED lights that were set to a blue color to give it the effect of the scene being shot at night.
This photo was created by using the LED lights to create a green glow, the champaign bottle was sprayed with water to give the idea that it is cold and the pineapple was used to give the idea that the beverage is a fruity flavor. The lighting was created by shining a white light on it.
This photo was created by placing the beverage on a white cloth to symbolize the elegance of the beverage. The red lighting was created using the LED lights to set a romantic mood. a Black back round was used.

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Stop motion
For this project, we were split into groups and was asked to create stop motion videos
In-class group exercise
SDG Stop motion
For this project, we were split into the same groups again but this time we had to create a stop motion video of a assigned SDG

SDG Stop motion video
Write up
This project wasn't that exciting for me. I was never really someone who loved these kind of things, but this project helped us to understand the importance of groupwork and how it can help guide you when understanding different point of views.
Photo Photography and Stop Motion

Photo Photography and Stop Motion
