Rosemary Collard's profile

'Scaffold' - 230705.4.7

'Scaffold'  230705.4.7 - from start to finish?
I've posted a work in progress showing the first sketch, the first interpretation - 'a wild thing' and the final work 'scaffold'.
The grid lines early on in the design made me think of scaffolding around construction sites. This idea took hold and became the guiding influence in my thinking as I worked.
An additional thought which came to mind was that old question people ask of abstract work - how do you know when its finished?. Perhaps the scaffolding is my answer especially for digital work - it is completely unfinished as there's always the possibility of further development or regeneration.
I use a computer - Dell Optiplex 5080- and Adobe Illustrator to create all my work these days. From start to finish each piece is an invention of my own making.
'a wild thing'  - one option, set aside but maybe not for good!
 layering a dimmed image of the original sketch to provide the basis - and inspiration - for the new design.  
orginal sketch
'Scaffold' - 230705.4.7

'Scaffold' - 230705.4.7
