Charlotte Lam's profile

Pilot Polly Plushie for International Women's Day

Pilot Polly Plushie

As we know, the aviation industry is male-dominated. The cockpit is often regarded as the domain of men. Malaysia Airlines' mascot, Pilot Parker - a male bear, also exemplifies that.

So in celebration of International Women's Day 2023, I came up with the idea to create a female version of Pilot Parker - and we named her 'Pilot Polly'. As the plushies are collectibles that parents would buy for their kids, we wanted to inspire young girls, that they too can do anything they set their heart and mind on - even flying a plane!
And that we at Malaysia Airlines have women pilots too and are supportive of gender equality which is in line with our UN Sustainability Development Goals.

Once the female pilot plushies were manufactured and ready, we launched the campaign in conjunction with International Women's Day and made them available for sale on our e-commerce platforms - Temptations and Journify.
Web banner on Journify:
Facebook post:
Campaign Page with the link to purchase it online:
IG post:
IG Story:
Journify e-commerce page:
Pilot Parker & Pilot Polly Bundle:
Still available for sale: Journify - Pilot Parker & Polly bundle
We also featured personal stories on social media from our female pilots about how and why they became a pilot:
Link to post: Nur Waie's story
Pilot Polly Plushie for International Women's Day


Pilot Polly Plushie for International Women's Day
