Assessment 1 Reimage Object 
Observational Research 
5 things that Katty uses everyday 
Immersive Research 
From my Observation, Katty is a busy person, She prioritized her work and school. She prefers things that she can use for a long time. She doesn't like to carry lots of things around since she's moving from one place to another very quickly for example: After school she has to go work quickly. 
Engaging Research 
Summary of the interview:

She gains new perspectives and a wider perspective as a result. She routinely has the opportunity to interact with new individuals at work, and she really likes doing so. She treats everyone fairly and openly since it comes easy to her, and she never lets anything break her spirit.
She is cheerful and outgoing and makes friends quickly, but she values her time and despises anything that makes her feel like it is being wasted. She doesn't have much time to unwind, therefore she treasures and values her alone time. It's how she manages to maintain balance and refuel in the midst of her hectic schedule.
Interview Transcript for broken Object: 
Me: Hello Katty, How are you today? Let's do our project. So could you tell me about the object that you've allowed me to use for my project?"

Katty: Hello Pey, Thank you I am doing great. About the object, I chose the denim jeans because it is one of my favorite pants of all time but after moving to Sydney for about 5 months, the Zipper stopped working. 

Me: Alright, May I know why it's your favorite jeans and how the zipper stopped working?

Katty: Of course! It is my favorite pair of jeans because it was a birthday gift from one of my close friends. She was caring and helped me through hard times. I broke the zipper because after moving to Sydney, I had to work and be independent and I don't want to worry my parents financially so I had to keep myself healthy and I put on some weight. I tried to fit it and I forced the zipper to close, haha. 

Me: Ah, alright. If you don't mind, what makes you like that close friend of yours?

Katty: Well she's such a floral girl, she likes earthy objects and loves to dress girly and specifically everything that has flowers patterns. I like her because she's the opposite of me, I tend to wear dark clothing, things that won't make me stand.

Me: Would you like to change your style Katty?

Katty: I'm learning and trying new styles at the moment but I don't want to buy more clothes since I feel like the old clothes I have, I can turn them into a new style if I style them differently. 

Me: Alright katty thanks for your information, I will try my best to redesign your Jeans!  

Analysis of Engaging Research 
Katty's life is fast-paced and demanding, with little time for leisure as she maintains her responsibilities between job and school. She carefully prioritizes her tasks to make the most of her time, ensuring that both her professional and academic goals receive the attention they need.
Katty developed a preference for long-lasting products in the determination of efficiency. She searches for things and assets that are long-lasting and efficient, as she dislikes wasting time on regular replacements. This practical method fits her fast-paced lifestyle, allowing her to focus on her projects without distractions.
Overall insights of the Researches 
Overall, Katty doesn't like throwing away her old clothes, so she finds ways to use them for as long as possible. She's not into spending money on branded or new clothes. Instead, she's all about saving money to use it for other things she enjoys. By reusing and restyling her existing wardrobe, she keeps things simple, sustainable, and budget-friendly. It's her way of being practical and environmentally conscious at the same time. 
The 6 sketches that I've done after interviewing my friend. 

The first sketch is a denim skirt, As Katty mention she wants to dive into new styles of clothing. A denim skirt, which is a departure from her usual jeans and pants. Given her long legs, I think it'll suit her really well.

The Second sketch is a short denim top. I noticed that Katty has such pretty arms and broad shoulders, A top with no sleeves would suit her perfectly. The top has one pocket on the left side to make it more unique and adds some spice to the top. The big button in the middle connects both fabrics together. 

The Third sketch is a denim bag. The bag should be big enough to fit her belongings. Katty has a light skin complexion and the denim bag will suit her and make the bag stands out.

The fourth sketch is Denim Boots. As stated, Katty has long legs, I think knees high boots will suit her. The denim fabric won't be covering the front of the boots which will not make her worry about getting the fabric dirty. 

The fourth sketch is a denim cap. I think making it into a cap is a great idea. Katty doesn't like her thick hair so much because it would get in her eyes and fuzzy over time and the wind in Sydney sometimes make her hair messy, So a cap should make things more convenient for her. 

The sixth sketch is long sleeves top but the fabric on the shoulders is cut off. It is the same as a normal top but the space between her chest is wider and the fabric on the shoulders is cut off to show her beautiful broad shoulders. 
These 5 collages are what I've come up with. I think each piece would fit Katty perfectly as I mentioned in the sketch analyzed. 
This is the final collage That I liked the most and Katty also agreed to the idea of turning her Denim jeans into a bag, Because Denim bags are super versatile and can go with many outfits, from casual jeans and tees to cute sundresses. They effortlessly add a chic touch to any look, whether you're going shopping, hanging out with friends, or going on a weekend trip. They're timeless. 
Reimage Object

Reimage Object


Creative Fields