Graphic Design Projects for Classes
All the work I have created during my four years in college.
     A two-page magazine spread created in class.
     A two-page newspaper spread created in class.
     Create a press kit on a recent artist or group. The press kit was the size of a record and all the information is on a
     replica of a record.
A group project of creating an marketing agency, and putting together a marketing plan and implementing the plan.

Below is everything I created for market our project.
     Logo of the marketing agency we created.
     A survey created to get response back.
     A brochure of information placed around town. The front and back of the brochure.
     A brochure of information placed around town. The two inside pages of the brochure.
     A poster created to let the community know when a class is being held.
     The banner for the website.
     The flyer created to get the college demographic. It was placed around the college and sent out via e-mail.
     This is the start of an 18-page marketing plan. I designed the whole look and placed everything in the plan.
     A flyer created in a class project. The organization picked their favorite design, and mine was their favorite.
     A flyer created for the Jamensty event for the Amnesty International Chapter of Simpson College.
School Projects

School Projects

All of the best projects I have created in my four years of college.
