I'm Zisco, an audio recording enthusiast and professional with a strong passion for capturing sound in its purest form. Over the years, I have developed a comprehensive expertise in audio recording and sound engineering, allowing me to excel in various projects and deliver high-quality results.
My deep understanding of audio theory enables me to capture and process sound in a way that enhances the overall listening experience. Whether it's applying signal processing techniques to eliminate noise or utilizing various microphone techniques to capture the best sound source, my grasp of audio theory plays a pivotal role in my recording process.
I believe that creating exceptional audio content goes beyond just capturing sound; it involves empowering artists to deliver their best performances. During recording sessions, I work closely with musicians, vocalists, and performers, providing valuable feedback, encouragement, and constructive criticism to help them achieve their artistic vision. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, I ensure that the final recording reflects the true essence of the artist's creativity.

My experience in working with diverse artists has given me a unique perspective on developing artistic concepts. I actively engage in pre-production meetings, where I listen to the artist's ideas and vision. From there, I help refine and shape those ideas into concrete plans, identifying the right instrumentation, arrangements, and production techniques that align with the artist's creative direction.

Multitrack recording is a fundamental aspect of my workflow when recording full bands. By recording each instrument and vocal on separate tracks, I can later fine-tune and balance the individual elements during the mixing process. This approach allows me to maintain the integrity of each performance while achieving a well-balanced and professional sound.

Recording a full band requires a meticulous approach to ensure that every element is captured optimally. From selecting the right microphone placements for each instrument to managing phase relationships, I am committed to maintaining high standards of audio fidelity.
With a meticulous eye for detail and a keen ear for audio precision, I excel in enhancing audio quality, eliminating unwanted noise, and ensuring seamless transitions between different sections of a recording. Cleaning up audio is essential to deliver polished and professional results. I am skilled in removing background noise, pops, clicks, and other imperfections using Izotope and Pro Tools' sophisticated noise reduction tools and precise editing techniques.

My proficiency in Pro Tools extends to music editing and arrangement. I skillfully edit musical performances to tighten timing, adjust pitch, and align various tracks, resulting in a cohesive and balanced mix. Also, I utilize Pro Tools for creative sound design, manipulating audio to produce unique and captivating sonic elements. Whether it's creating custom sound effects for multimedia projects or designing experimental audio textures, Pro Tools' versatile plugin ecosystem and real-time processing capabilities allow me to push the boundaries of audio creativity.
Finally, I pride myself on my ability to seamlessly adapt to various studio environments and work with a wide range of DAWs. Having worked in diverse recording studios with different setups and equipment, I am adept at quickly familiarizing myself with new environments and maximizing the available resources to deliver exceptional results. 

My adaptability to different studios and DAWs aligns with my client-centric approach. I am committed to providing artists and producers with a comfortable and familiar recording environment, allowing them to focus on their creativity without feeling limited by technical constraints. My adaptability ensures that each project benefits from a tailored approach that meets the specific needs of the artists involved.
Studio Recording


Studio Recording
