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Fly Fishing Lodge Landing Page Web Design

Hidden Canyon Lodge is a small fly fishing lodge located in a scenic canyon with breathtaking views of the Missouri River. The lodge has been operating for several years. However, they need a face lift for their landing page. As a web designer, I was tasked with redesigning their landing page that would showcase the lodge’s unique offerings and attract new guests.

Design Strategy:
The first step in the design process was to research the target audience and competition. The target audience for Hidden Canyon Lodge was identified as middle-aged, affluent individuals who enjoy outdoor activities and fly fishing.
The design strategy for the landing page was to create a visually stunning website that would showcase the beauty of the lodge’s surroundings and highlight the unique experience they offer. The website was designed to be simple and user-friendly, with a focus on the lodge’s amenities, packages, and activities.

Design Elements:
The landing page design was inspired by the natural surroundings of the lodge. The color palette was chosen to reflect the earthy tones of the canyon, with a combination of navy blue, browns, and blues. The typography was selected to be simple and easy to read, with a modern yet classic feel.

The website’s hero section features a stunning image of the canyon, with a call-to-action button inviting guests to learn more about the lodge’s offerings. The main navigation is located at the top of the page and includes links to the lodge’s amenities, packages, and activities.

The amenities section features images of the lodge’s rooms, dining area, and common spaces, with descriptions of each. The packages section highlights the different packages available for guests, with a call-to-action button to book a reservation. The activities section showcases the outdoor activities available at the lodge, with images and descriptions of each.
The Hidden Canyon Lodge landing page website has not been launched yet, but the client is thrilled with the design and eagerly awaiting its launch. The website is designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing, with a focus on showcasing the lodge’s unique offerings. With its modern design and easy navigation, the website is expected to attract new guests and establish the lodge as a top destination for fly fishing enthusiasts.
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Fly Fishing Lodge Landing Page Web Design


Fly Fishing Lodge Landing Page Web Design
