I was witnessing some my little brother horse training a week or so back. Horses are incredible. But something that is really amazing is how much they rely on the target fixation of the rider.

The rider must look to where they want to go for their horse to move. It’s not enough to just use the reigns. If you look left, the horse will go left. If you look right, the horse will go right. If you look down at the horse, it won’t go anywhere.
It’s amazing how many areas target fixation is a vital technique. 

Is the same with really anything I suppose. You go to where you set your sights. I putted my sights in Jesus Christ long time ago and he has been directing and saving mi life every time and every moment. 

Where are you setting your sights?

Azzalini Studio™ 2024
Photography & Design
Photoshop / Lightroom / Sony A7iv



