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Decoding Oral Diseases: Treatment & Prevention in Pets

Maintaining oral hygiene is not just crucial for humans but also for our pets. Dental diseases in pets are common, and if left untreated, they can lead to severe health problems. As a premier veterinary clinic in Marietta, GA, Beyond Pets Animal Hospital is dedicated to educating pet parents about pet dental diseases and their impact. In this blog, we'll decode the symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures of pet dental diseases.

Understanding Dental Diseases in Pets

What Are Dental Diseases in Pets?

Dental diseases in pets range from plaque buildup to gum diseases like periodontitis. These conditions can cause discomfort, bad breath, and, in severe cases, loss of teeth. If left untreated, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream, affecting the heart, liver, and kidneys.

Identifying Dental Diseases in Pets

Common Symptoms

Pets can't tell us when they're in pain, so it's crucial to look out for signs of dental diseases. These include bad breath, yellow or brown tartar on teeth, inflamed gums, difficulty eating, excessive drooling, and a sudden change in behavior.

Treatment of Dental Diseases at Beyond Pets Animal Hospital

Professional Pet Dental Cleaning in Marietta

At Beyond Pets Animal Hospital, our pet dental cleaning services include removing tartar and plaque from your pet's teeth, both above and below the gum line. We use modern equipment and techniques to ensure your pet's oral health is restored and maintained.

Other Treatments

For advanced dental diseases, other treatments may include tooth extraction, root canal therapy, or medications. Your veterinarian will recommend the best course of action based on your pet's condition.

Prevention: The Key to Optimal Dental Health

Regular Dental Check-ups

Scheduling regular dental check-ups with your veterinarian is the best way to prevent dental diseases. Early detection can save your pet from pain and prevent serious health issues.

At-Home Dental Care

In addition to regular vet check-ups, maintaining daily dental hygiene at home is important. This includes brushing your pet's teeth regularly and using pet-safe dental chews.

The Role of Diet in Your Pet’s Dental Health

Healthy Eating for Healthy Teeth

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining your pet's overall health, including their dental health. Foods specially formulated to reduce plaque and tartar build-up can be an excellent addition to your pet's diet. Your veterinarian at Beyond Pets Animal Hospital can provide personalized diet recommendations based on your pet's specific needs.

Beware of Hard Bones and Toys

While it might seem like a good idea to give your pet hard bones or toys to chew on for dental health, they can often do more harm than good. Hard materials can cause tooth fractures. Opt instead for dental-friendly toys and treats.

Teaching Your Pets to Accept Tooth Brushing

Make Brushing a Positive Experience

For many pet parents, brushing their pet's teeth can be a challenging task. Making the experience positive and rewarding can help your pet become more comfortable with tooth brushing. Start slow, be patient, and reward your pet with praise or a treat.
Choose the Right Tools

Using a pet-safe toothpaste and a toothbrush designed for pets can make the brushing experience more effective and enjoyable for your pet. Human toothpaste can be harmful to pets if swallowed, so always choose products specifically designed for pets.

Trusting Beyond Pets Animal Hospital for Pet Dental Cleaning in Marietta

At Beyond Pets Animal Hospital, we're committed to providing comprehensive veterinary care services, including top-quality pet dental cleaning in Marietta. We understand the unique needs of each pet and strive to make every visit comfortable and stress-free.


Remember, good oral health is a vital part of overall health for pets. Regular dental check-ups, professional pet dental cleaning, and daily at-home care can help your pet avoid dental diseases. Trust Beyond Pets Animal Hospital to provide the expert care your pet needs for a happy, healthy life.
Decoding Oral Diseases: Treatment & Prevention in Pets

Decoding Oral Diseases: Treatment & Prevention in Pets


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