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Some images from the Drifting event at Santa Pod Raceway 6 August 2023.  I've changed the images included here to focus on just the drifting event - more cohesive than trying to include all the different types of thing going on.  I had to use manual focus and a narrow DoF to blur out the steel safety mesh, but I am pleased with the results.  Used a 24-85mm zoom set mostly at 85mm.  In hindsight a prime lens may have been better but the action was frantic and I wanted to keep my options open as it's the first time I have shot motorsport and I didn't know what to expect.  I have trimmed the images a little, (a lot with the top image, but I think it is 'right') and I have made some global adjustments in Lightroom.  Finally I updated the images on 9 August 23 because I realised my Desktop monitor needs calibrating and I have produced work that's too dark.



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