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Event Branding: Public Speaking Summit 2023

Public Speaking Summit (PSS) is the largest gathering of vocal mastery enthusiasts and oratory giants in South-Eastern Nigeria. 

It is an annual event that facilitates the birth, growth, and maturity of individuals in the sphere of effective communication and public speaking. PSS aims to equip people with whatever it takes for them to excel in their various endeavours by giving them a unique voice. We believe that everyone has an innate potential to speak and be heard. 

The 2023 edition of the Public Speaking Summit is geared towards sharing value-oriented stories from world-class personalities from around the globe. The spotlight is shifted to the participants as they walk down the aisle and begin the never-ending journey to becoming the best version of themselves.

Role: Design Lead, Creative Direction
In a bid to creatively animate the theme of PSS 2023, "The Masterpiece", I strategically created an event logo that reflected the artistic nature of masterpieces crafted with extraordinary skill. Moving on, I associated the central icons in the branding to the game of chess, hoping to portray the delicate sacrifices required when making and playing chess [master] pieces.
Over 200 graphic sheets for social media campaigns and real-time event day projection were designed for the event, here's a preview of some (See full repository here).
Physical events such as this tend to leave a lasting impression when print materials are introduced into the mix. Applying necessary design strategies and experience I've accrued overtime, I have displayed some mockups below showing these print materials.
The event banner and photo backdrop had to be so designed to reflect the elegance of the PSS brand, speakers, and sponsors, while maintaining a clean and neat look.

Designs made for the brand's social media platforms were meticulously arranged following a predetermined pattern. This was achieved by my collaboration with the social media/content manager in order to create a lively, colourful effect.
and finally..
Event Branding: Public Speaking Summit 2023

Event Branding: Public Speaking Summit 2023
