Tom Cuzzubbo's profile

DVB102 - Week 4 Images

Image 1

The concept behind this poster draft was having one side a completely detailed and healthy looking turtle, then on the opposite side have the face made up of different pieces of rubbish. This is to show how overtime the sealife will eventually just become floating pieces of rubbish in our oceans, with no sealife left. To make it more bold and stand out, I was thinking of having the background a strong colour like black or dark blue.
Image 2

The concept behind this poster draft was to play on people's emotions. One thing I looked at is the theory of anthropomorphism. It is done a lot in films where an object or animal is given human qualities. This turtle here is asking for help whilst looking helpless and crying. Almost simulating a begging puppy. This is to play on a person's emotions, as emotions drive action.
Image 3

The concept behind this poster draft was being very upfront and direct. In a way humans are essentially doing what's seen in the image here. A person's hands can be seen choking this turtle with a plastic bag from behind. The bubbles signify it losing it's breath and of course dying.
Image 4

I chose this concept because I feel if you are able to play on people's emotions and make them feel sorry for the subject, you have their attention. By making the turtle have visible tears and tinges of blood on the edge of the plastic ring around it's neck, it should hopefully capture the attention of some people. The closeup shot of the turtle's face is supposed to represent how a dog would look when it's begging. This illustration was done through Sketchbook, and I tried to capture the skin texture of the turtle as best as possible.

Image 5

With this collage, I personally had trouble trying to be creative with the different images, however I was able to produce an image that communicates some truth and irony. The turtle is reaching out of the water seeking help, with the turtle in this image holding a 'help me sign' which links to the anthropomorphism theory. The idea is that the turtle's own habitat has become uninhabitable due to the amount of rubbish. The irony is that it is seeking help from the ones that caused the issue. The other piece of irony is that the turtle is being pursued by a 'shark.' The shark is play on the idea that the rubbish will end up being the cause of the turtle's death, and how instead of the turtle's natural predator being the shark, it has now switched to something more subtle, rubbish. I put a white outline around the edge of the rubbish shape to help communicate that idea of a predator.  

Overall I definitely preferred digital drawing over collage mainly because I do not have much experience doing collages, as I find it quite cumbersome and annoying to sort out. I found doing digital sketching I have much more control over how I can communicate my ideas than using collages. When it comes to the theory of persuasive images and text, I applied the use of emotional appeal and visual symbolism as I found my posters definitely play on people's emotions, to drive them to take action. The visual symbolism is mainly present in my second poster with the shark and the turtle having deeper meanings. I purposely used little text in both mainly because visuals definitely are more effective in persuading people. 

DVB102 - Week 4 Images

DVB102 - Week 4 Images
