Iftikhar Butt's profile

Choti Khushi - Immunization Incentive Support Program

Choti Khushi
About the program

Choti Khushi, meaning "little happiness" in Urdu, is a mobile phone credit incentive program launched in Sindh, Pakistan, to boost childhood immunization rates. The Challenge was to effectively communicating program's message and building brand recognition among its target audience - caregivers in local communities.

Solution/ Approach:
The branding strategy for Choti Khushi focused on creating a joyful and culturally relevant identity.
Celebratory Theme: I developed a bright and vibrant color palette that evoked a sense of celebration, achievement and happiness. The visuals featured children receiving vaccinations with friendly healthcare workers with parents, celebrating their milestones.
Local Elements: To ensure cultural relevance and promote community buy-in, I incorporated traditional Pakistani decorative patterns and motifs into the design. This fostered a sense of familiarity and trust with the target audience.
Clear Messaging: The messaging emphasized the program's core benefit - protecting children's health and bringing "little happiness" to families. All communication materials used simple, easy-to-understand language in Urdu.

The new Choti Khushi branding resulted in a significant positive impact:

Increased Program Awareness: Surveys conducted after the branding implementation showed a substantial rise in program awareness among caregivers in the target communities.
Higher Immunization Rates: The program saw a notable increase in timely childhood vaccinations, suggesting a stronger connection established with the target audience.
Positive Community Feedback: Healthcare workers reported a more positive response from caregivers regarding the program's message and its overall appeal.

The Choti Khushi branding case study demonstrates the power of strategic design in achieving public health goals. By creating a joyful, culturally relevant identity, the program successfully connected with its target audience and ultimately, improved childhood immunization rates in the region.

This promotional video is from a series of videos produced to appriciate high performing vaccinators, filmed and edited by me.
Logo reveal animation

Program Launch Branding
Choti Khushi - Immunization Incentive Support Program

Choti Khushi - Immunization Incentive Support Program
