Cover of my WIP EP

Style Inspo: Acid Graphix, Blob World

Medium: Vector Graphics (Inkscape), CG Graphics (Blender), Skeuomorphism, Typography
Side Notes: It's in early stages in development, I've been sick so I haven't recorded any vocals, but I do have some instrumentals ready
Cover of a Audiosurf-specialized album I made as an experiment a while back

Style Inspo: Neo-Y2k, Raver Graphics

Medium: Raster (Krita), Skeuomorphism, Typography
Cover of my sophomore effort, Too Anti-Social For Social Media

Style Inspo: Nu Metal album covers (think Korn, Limp Bizkit), early 1900s Warner Brothers cartoons

Medium: Raster (Krita), Digital Painting (Krita, Huion Inspiro), Skeuomorphism, Typography

Side Notes: Got Back Into Painting Recently!
SINGLES AND SCRAPPED EXAMPLES (Diverse styles; Various Mediums, including text-to-image and one's from previous examples):
Album Covers

Album Covers
