Innovative Billboard
To promote the new positioning of Rexona which is Do:More, a light source from a low angle is projected to a billboard. A platform in between the light and the billboard where people were called in to Do:More. Simple activities like hooping a basketball, skip roping, aerobics, yoga or any activity that stays in the Do:More space were performed on the stage. As we all know that a light at a low angle when projected to a wall, creates larger than life shadows. So the billboard which just has the Rexona branding comes alive at night when the people who were performing in the stage were hit by the light, and cast a huge shadow on the billboard.
Interactive Floor Sticker
To promote the new positioning of Rexona which is Do:More, this interactive floor sticker, placed in the shopping aisle was developed. This idea enables shoppers to break out and Do:More.
Execution Direct Mailer
A simple mailer fos use by Domestos, either for B@B or B2C communication. The sealing edge on the back is printed with various germs. When the envelope is opened the germs are eecuted slitting at their neck. Once opened the brand claim is printed on the inside.
A Mailtube sent as Direct Mailer
With the Domestos Drain opener, blocked drainage pipes are history. To highlight this feature a mailtube(shaped like a sanitary pipe) with a crumpled leaflet are mailed to households. As we open the cap(sanitary pipe cover), a ribbon instructs the receiver to pull out something which is blocked inside the tube. With a little difficulty, once it is pulled out, its a leaflet printed on a flexible material like a cloth communicating the brand benefits.
Stickers on Stair handrails
For the Delay condom variety from Durex, which delays the ejaculation, thereby increasing the pleasure time, handrails are stuck with the message "HOLD ON", throughout the rail length ended with the brand name and the functional benefit "Delay" condoms.
Notice and Mailers in residential communities
To highlight the Clear shampoo's "Hairfall Protection" variant, a caution notice was stuck in residence notice boards which talked about clogged drains in the premises, recommending residents with a solution - to use this variant from Clear, to stop this menace. In parallel, a mailer containing a sachet of drain opener was distributed to these households with an insert communicating them that this would be the last time they would be using this, after which they can switch to Clear Hairfall Protection shampoo which stops hairfall and thereby no blocked drains.
Ambient for Volkswagen in cinemas
As the curtain reveals open during the start of the show, a panoramic image is displayed. As the curtain still obstructing the view, a message appears within that narrow area "There's nothing like seeing the big picture". As the curtain unviels itself, now we can see the clear panoramic picture on the screen followed by the Volkswagen Touareg's full panoramic sunroof feature.

The person who guides movie watchers with a torch is branded with the message shown above to highlight the "Dynamic Light Assist" feature of the Volkswagen cars. The new headlights with variable light distribution combine familiar systems such as cornering light, dynamic headlight leveling or main beam control to give drivers extra comfort and safety.
Ambients for Volkswagen around the city
At Ice rinks, cushions in the shape of airbags were placed around the perimeter, where a skater normally dashes against, to highlight the 6 airbags in Volkswagen Touareg cars.
To highlight the "Auto Park Assist" feature of the Volkswagen Touareg, pillars around mall parking lots were branded with tyre and scratch marks and the message explaining this feature.
Direct mailers inviting people to test drive the Volkswagen Touareg.
The regular window envelope is customized with a full size transparent window. Inside which is the invite card with a panoramic picture visible through the window with the message talking about the full panoramic sunroof of the Touareg. The other side of the card details the feature and a call to action, inviting the viewer to test drive it.
To highlight the "Auto Park Assist" feature, an eye mask is sent as mailer with relevant feature explanation and call to action to test drive the Touareg.
Newspaper and Magazine inserts
To highlight the idea of "Insert Fun" in your regular mundane life, for Baskin Robbins, cardboard inserts were proposed in newspapers and magazines, which had instructions and perforated lines for cutting, folding and turning that piece of cardboard to a nice table top game or into a party hat.
